Stupid Things People Do For Sneakers: Little Rock Duo arrested for gunpoint sneaker robbery

When lunkheads collide with sneakers, we have another edition of Stupid Things People Do For Sneakers. Our latest entry takes us to Little Rock, Arkansas, where two teens have turned their freedom into a memory in the rear view mirror of their lives.

According to a police report, the 17-year-old victim told police that Taylor Rhodes, 18, and Eduardo Paniagua, 17, came to his home after he had spoken to Rhodes about selling him some Air Jordan sneakers. The report states that Rhodes tried one pair of the Jordans and then asked to see another pair. When the victim got the other pair Paniagua pointed a gun at his head and said, “ Give me the shoes or take two to the head.”

Although the pair denied involvement in the aforementioned robbery, they were actually wearing the shoes in question when police showed up at North Little Rock High School to question them. Rhodes and Paniagua were arrested; they were charged as adults with aggravated robbery and felony theft of property.

Police said the sneakers, which are valued at approximately $180 per pair, were returned to the victim.


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